Our printers are optimized for the sRGB color profile. If your files are in a different color profile (like Adobe RGB or CMYK), converting the files to the sRGB color profile is highly recommended before uploading them to our site. This is recommended to ensure that the color in your images are produced accurately in the final printed product.
Our team has compiled three ways to change the color profile of your image files. Here’s how:
In "Preview" on a Mac:
- Open your image in Preview
- Select the Tools tab from the top menu bar, then Assign Profile
- Select sRGB IEC61966-2.1 from the dropdown menu
- Select OK
- Select File and Export from the top menu bar
- Make sure the Format is JPEG and the Quality is set to Best
- Save to your computer
Tip: Want to make sure the profile is changed? Open the new photo file in Preview, and select Tools and Show Inspector from the top menu bar. It should then say sRGB IEC61966-2.1 under ColorSync Profile.
In Photoshop:
- Open your image in Photoshop
- Select Edit, then Convert to Profile
- Select sRGB IEC61966-2.1 from the Destination Space Profile dropdown menu
- Select OK
- Select File and Save As, and save your image to your computer
On a PC
You can use the site http://www.cmyk2rgb.com/ to convert your images to sRGB. Make sure you change the Output format to JPG before saving to your computer.
Why do you use the sRGB color space?
We opted to use a common and accessible color profile that reproduces color well with our processes. We understand there are other color profiles that offer a wider range of colors and are popular color spaces amongst pros. Starting as a consumer-friendly printing service, we wanted to take away some of the complexities that can come with photo printing. We found this profile reproduces color best with our printing method.