So sorry for the issues! First, here's a few things to check:
- Make sure the template is in CSV format
- Ensure every box is filled in (with the exception of Street 2, State/Province, and Country, if not applicable)
- Verify that no pre-set template boxes (header row, etc) have been modified or removed
- Make sure there is a space between the 'Street' and '1', 'Street' and '2', and 'Postal' and 'Code'
Don’t have a Google account? Contact for alternate upload instructions.
No go? Here are a few specific issues we've seen and how to fix them:
1. "I'm seeing an error "Name is missing on line ___", but there's no information added on that line":
- Copy all your addresses (just the boxes with text in them - not any blank boxes!) into an empty Google Sheets doc
- Make sure all the formatting is correct (the headers should be exactly the same as they were when you downloaded the empty file from our site)
- Export that Google Sheet as a CSV file
- Save and close the file (Important: do not open the file again, or the changes will be lost)
- Upload the unopened file to our site
2. "If a postal code starts with '0', the '0' is disappearing when I add it to my template":
- When editing the template, change the formatting of the Postal Code line to "Plain Text"
- Adjust the postal codes so the 0's are showing
- Save the file as a CSV, and close the file (Important: do not open the file again, or the changes will be lost)
- Upload the unopened file to our site
Still having trouble? Drop us a note here (choose Technical Issues, Editor in the dropdown), attach your finished template to your message, and let us know the name of the project you're working on.