Does Artifact Uprising have any promo codes active right now?
We occasionally offer discount codes for promotions and sales, which can be entered at checkout. Be sure to check the home page of our website for active discounts. You can also find out about any future promotions by signing up for our email list and following us on Instagram: @ArtifactUprising
Don’t see any current promotions? Feel free to use the one-time coupon code 10FORYOU for 10% off your order! See below for restrictions.
Does Artifact Uprising have any sales?
We run sales periodically leading up to our Very Merry Sale, typically offered around Black Friday, so keep an eye out for that one! Our home page, email list, and following us on our social media channels are the best ways to keep up to date on any current sales and promotions.
Does Artifact Uprising offer a free shipping promo code?
The prices you see on our site are our live calculations of shipping to your location. We do not offer a free shipping code or reduced shipping at this time.
It is a top priority for us to work with our shipping vendors to find cheaper shipping options for all. In the meantime, please know that we are a small company, and do not get the same shipping rates as some bigger companies. Additionally, we ship from several different production facilities across the country, and therefore your order may come in multiple shipments.
Does Artifact Uprising host any giveaways?
Check out for our latest giveaways.
You can also follow us on Instagram, @ArtifactUprising, to stay in the loop on all promotions and giveaways.
Why isn't my promo code working? A few things to try:
- Be sure to enter the coupon code into the “promo code” box during checkout, if entered into the “Gift Card code” box the code will be shown as invalid.
- Only one promo code can be applied per order, so be sure you are only using one promo code to checkout.
- None of our discount codes are valid on Gift Cards or Wedding Collections.
- Please see the terms & conditions of each specific promotion for any other exclusions.
Forgot to apply a discount code to your order?
No worries! Just head here and select Promotions / Gift Cards / Store Credit to drop us a note. Include your order number and the code you want applied.
As long as the promo code is still valid and applies to the items in your order, someone from our Customer Experience team will refund the discount amount back to your original form of payment.
Discounts do not apply to shipping or tax, and discount codes cannot be combined.
If the items in your cart are not eligible for a discount code, your subtotal will not adjust. None of our discount codes are valid on gift cards or Wedding Collections. Note that one code may be applied per order. Please see the terms & conditions of each specific promotion for any other exclusions.